GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Another Look at SMART & STUPID

I was reading a very interesting blog on viewtru about 'smart' and 'stupid'. I couldn't help it but have dropped a comment or two on the same topic with an analogy that I have heard from years ago.

Why are people born differently? Does it really matters if you have more gray substance enfold within one's cranium?

I am a true believer of circumstances and most importantly the environment and place of abode that one subsists in. I mean .... look at the jungle living tribes in certain undeveloped, unspoiled land of today. The natives that live there do not really need to stress their IQ too much in order to survive another day. And yet, they learn to hunt, cook, cure and reproduce to ensure continuity of their heritage. It is the survival instinct that encouraged them to be at par with others or risk not having the delicious wild boar's penis for snack at later part of the day.

Being smart or dumb in such undemanding state of affairs rarely makes a great difference to their day-to-day chores.

A total reverse of the situation applies to the world that we currently live in. You may say it is a jungle out there but without a little bit of wit, and to do thing a little bit more efficient (doing things right the first time rather than doing the right thing), I will be damn surprise that no one called you "stupid" just because you did not churn out results that they are expecting.

Hence, the word "stupid" became synonym to doing the wrong thing....who defines the "wrong" anyway.

For example, if you ask your domestic helper (if you have one of those) to wash your car (obviously, if you have a maid, you should own one of these as well) and she (have not met a male maid yet) pulled out one of your old T-shirts for the final rinse and dry.

Suddenly, you heard an unusual squeak sound coming from the direction of your car .... jumped out of your leather sofa (if you have a maid and car, you should be living in a decent house and leather sofa should be the matching furniture I presume) and peep out....OMG! you yelled....three long zigzag lines of scratch marks being tattooed on your beloved car's bonnet. "Bodoh" and "Stupid" may be under statement at this point...but I am sure some swear words in your mother tongue should be in order.

Your wife (yes, you should have one of these else you do not need a domestic helper) quickly dash out of the kitchen (as she has to cook, otherwise your maid's food make you visit the 'jamban' - toilet, like 6 times a day!) and stop you from grabbing the golf clubs (that completes the lifestyle of 'smart' people like you...minus the children...they should be on the way soon...after all these need a good fcuk) to take a swing at the maid. Your wife has to clean up the blood stain if she doesn't stop you. You then realized that an instruction to the maid was missing, you forgot to ask her to check if the buttons on the T-Shirt was removed before she uses it. Now...whose fault was that...the 'smart' or the 'stupid'?

The maid would not have inkling about washing a car...otherwise, they could be better off than you.

In the land of the Blinds, One Eye is King! Everybody is considered smart in their own way, it is where you are and whom you are mixing with that determines your level of intelligence.

It's just relative!


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