GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Monday Blues...

I hate Monday...perhaps 'hate' is wee bit too strong, may be 'dislike' is more appropriate.

It's like you have fully relaxed yourself over the weekend and feeling energetic but Monday is always there waiting for you with piles of chores and office assignments (for those who is lucky enough to secure a job). I must have been with the same company for too long!

The only Monday that encites most people is either you are starting a new job, getting married (odd if your wedding day is on Monday, but still a chance that will happen due to a fantastic Chinese Almanac), or had an appointment with the lottery operator to collect your 4D winnings from last weekend's results.

On my way to work this morning, I have already compiled a list of things to do which really kills me. Not just the migraine it causes but completely destroyed my usual cheerful behaviour of mine (uhh hmm).

Nearly got into big fights with almost everyone in my's definitely not me...Monday is to blame.

Oh heck, another 6 hours to go...can't wait to get the fcuking Monday ass kicked...ciao!


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