GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Funny Commercials

One more day before the start of a long weekend...everybody seems to be having pretty good mood. Let me post some funny clips that will cheer up your day and possibly the weekend as well.

1. Shark - What bollocks! How can they use non-tempered proof glass for the shark cage. Obviously for amusement lah...

2. Toyota RAV4 - Is it worth killing for? Really that good?

3. Shower - Better don't let your kids see this otherwise they may learn the trick...

4. LynxJet - In your dreams...

5. JBC - If this fashion brand is so powerful, why do they need a commercial...

6. Ikea creative Ads - Make full use of living space

Have a good weekend!


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