GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Any Other World

Is there such a thing as Another World or Any Other World for that matter? Based on my shallow and bare little knowledge of the religions, I understand that:

1. Buddhism preaches about re-incarnation so the other world is actually the same world but the different is that you may not be re-entering as a human but could be other form (a wild boar or an insect ... may be ... don't get offended!)

2. Christian/Catholics says you will be saved and join your Lord/God in Heaven...hence the other world is Heaven. So, for those non-believers will go to the other Other World which is not Heaven. (I don't like to use Hell as it may be just another place where it refuge those failed applicants to Heaven due to their sins and wrong doing during their Earthy or other galaxy's life)

3. Islam also draws the distinction between Syurga (Heaven) and Neraka (Hell) after, we can safely say the other world for the followers would be either one of those depending on the judgment by thy God (Allah).

4. Taoism is a wee bit more complex based on my understanding. The Other World after death may be the present world (for those that do not wish to 'go' but choose to stick around to finish off the un-accomplished businesses) or one of the 18 levels of Hell for the souls that have committed certain serious misdemeanor in their present life. And for the good guys and gals, they will be ‘elevated’ to become deities and holy beings. I don’t really know if this is the same palace where the Jade Emperor reside or their version of heaven.

And for all other minor religions, cults and spiritual practices, the common believe was that they too have a distinguish separation between person of evil and the followers of their faith. Hence, it is safe to corroborate that there is such thing called “The Other World”.

That leaves people like yours truly…the free thinkers and people without a faith (or not ready to accept any just yet…so that they can commit all wrong doings before finally admitted to one faith and starts life after as a pure and cleansed aficionada). Where are they gonna go? Or perhaps they don't travel any where after completing their mission in this life...they will simply fade away and become part of the present world but the most un-lifely part of it.

With that, I leave you with this very nice (some said it’s sad) tune from Mika called “Any Other World”. The background was Final Fantasy for those of you whom may recognize the characters and panorama.


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