GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Friday, April 04, 2008


Why would people choose a name like "Fish"? On one hand you might find this refreshing but on the other it may lead to association with seafood dishes or rotten and unpleasant odour commonly described as "fishy smell" depending on how and when do you employ the word.

I, for one cannot imagine naming my child "Fish" under any circumstances because it will be quite awkward to yell out loud "Don't do that Fish!" or "Get out of the pool Fish!".

Having said all that, we do have celebrity such as the renown female pop singer called Fish Leong whom has produced quite a splash in her music career.

Here are some samples just in case you are interested...

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 --- 分手快樂 (Happy Separation)

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 --- 崇拜 (Adoration)

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 --- 對不起我愛你 (Sorry, I Love You)

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 --- 勇氣 (Courage)


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