GroggyPot - The World of Bizarre Beans...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Why Do Children Lost Confidence When They Are Alone?

Not just children, in fact most people I would say have the same experience at least once in their life that they suddenly felt uneasy and looking forward to an end to a situation as soon as possible. A classic sign of receding level of confidence.

I brought my 4 year-old son to his first formal swimming lesson yesterday morning. It wasn't really a lesson but more of a trial to allow the swimming instructor to assess if he is suitable to join the junior swim class. He has never shown any fear of water since we first introduced the swimming pool to him circa two years ago. Not until yesterday...what a bummer! The initial 5 minutes was fine...kicking the water, blowing bubbles into the water...and then came a this unexpected request from the instructor to hold on to the kick-board and swim towards the centre of the pool...with the instructor assistance of course.

This is just simply too much for this little fella...he suddenly felt so helpless and started to cry! Not loudly but I can tell from afar that the instructor was panic and has to quickly bring him back to the edge of the pool.

After a few more attempts, the instructor finally gave up and told me to bring him out. I said perhaps he is not comfortable without his friends or siblings (as he usually played with them at the pool previously and this is the first time being alone) while trying this seemingly risky stunt in the big pool.

The instructor agrees and advise to bring him back again next week with his comrade. Later, I asked my son what's wrong? He said "I am scared of the big pool" I said "Why? You dare to jump into the water without knowing the depth and glide down the slides without any help. Why so chicken now?" He said "I am not a chicken Dad, chicken cannot swim only duck can swim." At least, he got that right and I did not even bother to use "scaredy-cat" as I don't think cat can swim either. We just have to see if things are better next Sunday with the sister accompanying him in the pool.

The same back alleyway that you saunter a thousand times in the day (typical short-cut for most lazy people) but when the night falls, and you need to walk across it all by yourself in complete's time to practice your super dash.

Or perhaps look forward to the carrot beyond the pitch black reward awaits that may include the delicious Mc D meals.

Or a bottle of your favorite beer...

...and this one is damn funny...


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